Account Registration

Contact Information


Listing in the Member Directory

Members have the benefit of being listed in the membership directory. If you select yes and have an active membership, the following information will be displayed publicly:
Name, Title, Bio, Company, Company Designation, Company City, Company Website, Industry, LinkedIn URL, Professional Credentials. 
You may add/remove yourself from the member directory by updating your profile.

Professional Information

Demographic Information

We understand that these topics may be sensitive, but your survey responses are completely optional and will not be made public. However, we may aggregate this data to track our metrics and share in membership reports, or on our website. No identifying information will be tied to the reported metrics. This information will help us improve our programming and track our progress towards organizational equity and inclusion.

Profile Update Raffle

Thank you for updating your profile in our new system!
Please check the box if you'd like to be entered into a raffle to win one of four $25 gift cards.