Frank Lloyd Wright Home's 5-Year Path to Net Zero

Price: $10.00


A Frank Lloyd Wright Home's 5-Year Path to Net Zero

Originally recorded on 7/28/21


The Oscar B. Balch House is a 110-year-old Frank Lloyd Wright designed home in Oak Park, IL. Prioritizing both energy efficiency and historic preservation, Homeowner Samantha Lotti teamed up with architect Tom Bassett-Dilley (Tom Bassett-Dilley Architects), builder Doug Freerksen (Von Dreele-Freerksen Construction Company), and mechanical engineer Mark Nussbaum (Architectural Consulting Engineers) to build a five-year path to net zero for the home.

Incorporating preservation techniques with cutting-edge decarbonization technology, this unique case study has takeaways for any homeowner who wants to map out their plan for a high performance home.

In this webinar, the project team discussed tradeoffs, long-term planning, energy modeling, and more. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and learn how these techniques could be applied to their projects.


Continuing Education: Self-report 1.5 hours of general green building education toward maintaining your LEED professional credential.