Landscapes of Change

Price: $10.00


Landscapes of Change: Resilient & Functional Ecosystems

Originally Recorded 10/17/23

Join Illinois Green to investigate resilient and functional landscapes through a variety of lenses: equity and partnerships; integrating into architecture; long-term maintenance; and net-positive impacts. When properly designed, installed, and managed, sustainable landscapes reduce the carbon emitted during construction and throughout the life of the landscape, as well as provide ecosystem support and stormwater management. These solutions can be integrated into our built environment as building elements, as well as surrounding landscapes. Beautiful public amenities can also be functional, resiliency solutions, and it all starts with good design appropriate to the context of the project. Management and thoughtful, long-term connections are what make it truly special over time.


  • Nicole Chavas, Greenprint Partners
  • Michael Skowlund, Omni Ecosystems
  • Jack Pizzo, Pizzo & Associates
  • Zack Rees, PLA, SITES AP, HDR